The RCMES Toolkit contains useful links and documents related to the RCMES project, including source code, instructions and more.
Modeling climate and Earth system processes on regional scales is essential for projecting the impacts of climate change on society and our natural resources. Quantifying model biases is critical to characterizing the uncertainties associated with these climate change projections and is also an essential step in developing and improving Earth system models. The Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES) is designed to facilitate regional-scale evaluations of climate and Earth system models by providing standardized access to a vast and comprehensive set of observations (e.g. satellite, reanalyses and in-situ) and modeling resources (e.g. CMIP & CORDEX on the ESGF), as well as tools for performing common analysis and visualization tasks (e.g. OCW). Browse this site to get a better idea of the objectives, capabilities and applications of RCMES, and how they support the U.S. National Climate Assessment and CORDEX program as well as the goals of the JPL Center for Climate Sciences and the JPL-UCLA Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering.